Marriage and Family
Pastors Steve and Sharon host an 8 session series on Marriage and Family with guests that include PHD counselors, pastors, and their son Josh Kelly. Hear open and honest conversation from experts to help you in your marital relationship and advice on the raising kids of all ages giving them good christian values. Topics include: Biblical Relationship Roles, Navigating the Digital World, How to Parent in a World Gone Crazy, and How to Navigate Blended Families.
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The Ultimate Guide to Building a Healthy Marriage and Raising Kids
Marriage and Family session 1: Pastor Steve and Sharon Kelly break down ways to build a healthy marriage and the stages of raising kids in church.
Untangling Sex, Intimacy & Morals | Healthy Q&A Session
Unlocking Emotional Intimacy in a Happy Marriage: Insights from PHD Counselors
Raising Kids in the Digital World | Pastors Have Honest Conversation
Expert Pastors share tips for parenting children of all ages
7 Basic Christian Values to Teach Your Kids
The Emotional Journey of Divorce: What PHD Counselors Want You to Know
Best Practices to Grow In Your Relationship With Your Spouse